Make sure your drip system supply tubing and emitter stay in place with the 1/8 in -1/4 in. Heavy-Duty Tubing Support Stake. The sturdy stake has built-in notches to hold 1/8 in. to 1/4 in. distribution tubing or an emitter attached to tubing, such as a button dripper, inline dripper, or Take-A-Part flag dripper. Use the stake to secure different sized tubing or use tubing to make additional passes around plants. The 6 in. stake keeps the emitter above soil and mulch to prevent clogging and makes it easier to adjust the emitter as needed. Ideal for flower and vegetable gardens, and around trees, shrubs, and container plants. This tubing support stake is made of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) with UV inhibitors.Find the STAKE F/1/4 TUBING CD10 at Ace.